Who are we?

Who are we?
We are a pioneer in cutting edge solutions on the real estate market in Poland. We have been setting the development paths for the entire industry since 2011. We inspire necessary changes. No one in Poland is growing as fast as us. Our team currently includes over 250 real estate agents and experts supporting their everyday work. You can find our offices in the fourteen biggest Polish cities.

Why did we change?
Because we wanted to express who we are, what we believe in, and where we are going. We wanted to show you that we understand your emotions. That we’re closer to you than ever before. That we’re more innovative, more available, more engaged. We wanted to create a brand to let you feel a true #joyofliving.

What can we give you?
As homfi, we will continue to set the trends, introduce innovative working methods and tools, improve support standards, simplify procedures, conduct original training courses for our agents, expand the scale of our operations, and enter new markets, including those abroad. But most importantly, we can assure you that – regardless of the type of real estate transaction you’re planning – we will make your transaction fast, safe, and profitable.
We are the best and we can prove it
We are the best and we can prove it

The Five Stars Winner award, which we received in 2024 at one of the most prestigious global competitions in the real estate industry – the European Property Awards. We were recognized for our innovative methods and tools used in daily operations, advanced internal processes, and effective marketing activities supporting our brand and the properties in our portfolio.

The 2023 Golden Consumer Laurel Award in the “Real Estate Agency” category, which was awarded to us by our customers themselves for the highest quality of service, innovative solutions and high level of trust in the brand, and the 2024 Consumer Laurel Grand Prix Award in recognition of reliable communication with the market and maintaining a leading position in the industry over the years.

2021 Otodom Real Estate Award for the best real estate agency in Poland, which we got for constant improvement of standards of services and simplifying procedures.

2019 Otodom Real Estate Award for the best real estate agency in Poland. This prize is for our effectiveness, involvement and constant innovations, to the benefit of our customers.

Main award Wizjery 2021, honorable mention Wizjery 2022 in the category "Best real estate presentation film" and honorable mention Wizjery 2024 in the category "Best real estate listings quality in Poland".
Mission and vision
What we do and where we’re going as a company
What we do and where we’re going as a company

Homfi will help you make the right decisions on the real estate market. We want you to feel safe no matter who you are and what you’re planning – sale, purchase, or rental. We know that this is an important time in your life.
If you are looking for a property, we will help you find the right one. If you are planning changes, we will make sure that they will be beneficial. If you are investing, we will make sure that you can profit from it and spend your time on what you feel is really important. We believe in continuous progress and innovation, which is why we deploy pioneering ideas and solutions. We act quickly and effectively to fulfil the expectations you have towards a professional real estate agency.

We want to be the best in what we do. We continue to grow in order to create new breakthrough solutions on the real estate market.
We want to turn into a brand of a system, which guarantees comfort, safety, and confidence in the conducted transaction. A reliable guide who understands your current needs and predicts future ones. The first and natural choice that comes to your mind when you want a trusted partner on the real estate market.
Ideas we believe in. Behaviours we support. Attitudes we appreciate. Simply put: our values. The four pillars defining who we are, what we do, and what we see as important.
Ideas we believe in. Behaviours we support. Attitudes we appreciate. Simply put: our values. The four pillars defining who we are, what we do, and what we see as important.
We care about our environment. For our customers, associates, partners. For nature. Our hearts are big and green!
We have been reducing the volume of paper we use to the necessary minimum for years. We were the first real estate agency in Poland to abandon printing of all kinds of documents in favour of digital versions. Most of our advertising materials are available in digital formats only.
Our offices are located in the city centres, where you can conveniently commute by bike or public transit. This means that we can restrict our daily commute by car in favour of more ecological means of transport. We promote ecological initiatives and take part in various events and campaigns, including our own.
Our branches are equipped with filtered water distributors and appropriate trash sorting machines in order to reduce the volume of produced plastic and sort waste with care.